Domain is registered through HOST.AL, the biggest .al domain registrar

If you are seeing this page, the owner of the domain has not activated the domain yet. Please come back soon for a great website!

Get Your Domain Name






Blog Hosting

1.99 per month
  • Word Press Ready
  • Your Personal Domain
  • Your Personal Email
  • Your Presence Online

My Web 1000

5.00 per month
  • Free .al Domain Name
  • Unlimited Domain Aliases
  • Unlimited Mysql Databases
  • Your Personal Email Accounts

Business 5000

9.99 per month
  • Unlimited Hosting Space
  • Secure Linux Hosting
  • Unlimited Mysql Databases
  • Unlimited Email Accounts

VPS Server

12.00 per month
  • HD
  • RAM
  • IP
  • OS
  • Bandwidth
  • Control Panel
  • 20 GB
  • 512 MB
  • 1
  • Ubuntu,Centos
  • 2000 GB
  • Virtualmin GPL

Register Albanian Domains is the premier registrar of .al domain names, offering .al,,,, as well as other TLDs. We offer a full suite of domain services, including the domain name registration, domain name transfers, domain name renewal, domain expiration protection and domain privacy services. is the only registrar providing a full Whois Service for its client, something not yet activated for the .al domains. If you are looking for a quick registration and benefit from all the domain name services, this is the right place to start

.al Reseller

While our company has been one of the first registrars for the .al zone, we have supported many different local and international companies in reselling .al domains.
If you are an international brand protector, a domain registration company or a normal internet user with a large .al domain portofolio, contact us to learn more on our .al Reseller Programme.


Get your individual or business email solution represented by your own domain name. Nothing is more serious than going online with your own brand, company name or surname when contacting potential customers.
With our service you can go live in seconds with your own email address and have your email in your mobile or desktop PC in a few seconds. We provide support for your mobile device, might this be Android, iPhone, Windows or any other device which allows normal internet communication.

About, a branch of ShqiperiaCom Shpk provides the essential tools that individuals and businesses need to build and manage their online presence.
With over 10 years presence in the industry, more than 6000 domain names under management and hundreds of satisfied customers our company has become a regional leader and the ideal partner to many individuals, corporate and governmental institutions.

Who Can Register .al domains

.al domains have been historically reserved only for Albanian citizens or Companies with a local presence in the country.
Since May 2013, anyone can register a .al domain without the need for a trustee service.
Unfortunately this regulation does not apply for the, and domains which still require a local presence, but this can be provided by as well for a small fee.

Web Hosting has an experience of more than 10 year starting with other brands such as or
We provide a large diapason of services including shared web-hosting, games hosting, dedicated server, and server housing. While we operate mainly with servers in Europe, we also provide local server-housing for clients with a majority of traffic in Albania willing to benefit from the local network. In addition we add provide CDN Services for large hosters willing to extend their services.
Our company offers affordable web hosting plans designed to help small businesses maximize their web presence.

Our Services

ShqiperiaCom Shpk is a leading provider of web services for offering consulting, developing, and seo techniques that improve your web presence to attract new visitors. We provide the following website design, shopping cart software, search engine optimization, blog website instalations, logo design, desktop applications and more

About ShqiperiaCom Shpk

ShqiperiaCom Shpk is registered company provides the essential tools that individuals and businesses need to build and manage their online presence.
With over 10 years presence in the industry, more than 6000 domain names under management and hundreds of satisfied customers our company has become a regional leader and the ideal partner to many individuals, corporate and governmental institutions.